perry schools

The Perry School District recently held their parent-teacher conferences, and the administration was very pleased with the attendance.

The principals for the elementary, middle, and high schools each presented their figures at the November School Board meeting, and in each case they met or surpassed their attendance goals. Perry Elementary Assistant Principal Ryan Marzen attributed the success to the hard work of the teachers and the engagement of the parents. “This was a great turn-out, we had 97% completion with our parent-teacher conferences, which is great for all the parents in our community for their kids. Also for our teachers, they were working hard, rescheduling a lot of those conferences from those first two nights. But 97% is a very great number to kind of sit at right now, and we still have teachers making those up and rescheduling them as we go.”

The middle school saw over 92% attendance, while the high school had around 90%. Superintendent Clark Wicks was particularly pleased with the figures, saying Perry is well above other districts in the state for parent-teacher conference attendance.