Holiday of Lights pic 1Greene County Medical Center Auxiliary is hosting their annual Holiday of Lights fundraiser.

There are over 50 items now on display and available for silent auction bidding in the main entrance to the medical center. All items are decorated and donated by community members and businesses. The bidding ends at 3pm on Wednesday, December 6th. All items should be paid for and picked up that evening.Holiday of Lights pic 3

The Auxiliary is also hosting a public open house on December 5th from 5 to 7pm to give everyone the opportunity to see the items and bid on them. The final fundraiser of the year for the Auxiliary is their annual candy sale, which starts at 7am on December 7th until all items are sold.

All proceeds will go back to the medical center’s fundraiser campaign to raise $350,000 for a new 3D Mammography machine.

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