The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.
The meeting started with further discussion on the county’s participation in the Adel eastern sewer extension project. The amended agreement between the City and county included a $2,000 per acre rebate on future connection fees for the currently undeveloped properties around the new law enforcement center. The Supervisors approved the agreement, and are now officially moving forward with the City of Adel for the center’s sewer needs. Next, the Board held a public hearing for the third reading of the ordinance on pioneer cemeteries. No one spoke at the hearing, so the Supervisors passed the third reading, and the ordinance will now be in effect.
The Board also passed several resolutions, including: tax credit applications, which included both allowing and disallowing credits; the 2017 county utility valuations; county tax increment financing (TIF) forms; and a reappointment to the Dallas County Conservation Board. Additionally, they approved a request by the Sheriff’s Office to replace a 2014 Dodge Charger with a 2018 Charger, which will cost $18,364 after trade-in. The meeting concluded with an exempt session to conduct negotiations strategy.