Royal Jewelers before and after
Royal Jewelers before and after

A $1 million project is nearing completion in Jefferson.

Thirteen buildings in the downtown square are having their storefront facades renovated with the help of Pinnacle Construction and Franks Design Group. Construction started earlier this year, after Jefferson Matters: Main Street and the City of Jefferson were awarded a $1 million matching grant in May of 2016 from the Iowa Economic Development Authority. When the project started, there were 16 buildings that were supposed to participate, but due to being over budget, three building owners decided to drop out.

Franks Design Group Owner and Chief Architect Peter Franks tells Raccoon Valley Radio about how his company came up with the overall design for each building.

“We look at what the building has that is worth keeping from a historic character standpoint and let that begin to give us the design cues on what are the appropriate treatments to be able to keep those things in place and to amplify the character that those bring. In many cases that means we are undoing things that have been done in the more recent history in the last 20, 30, 50 years.”

Historical Museum before and after
Historical Museum before and after

The grant was $500,000, with $250,000 match from the 13 building owners and another $250,000 from the City. JMMS Program Director Peg Raney says doing this project was a top priority for her when she took over as program director in 2015.

“We moved forward with that vision. And I think we’re going to reap the rewards of the look of this downtown, people are very proud. And there are other people who are looking to come to Jefferson because of that.”

The anticipated completion date for all of the buildings is before Christmas.

Pictures of some of the participating buildings before and after can be found below.

Masonic Lodge
Masonic Lodge
Docs Stadium
Docs Stadium