IMG_1691Governor Kim Reynolds stopped by Hotel Greenfield Tuesday afternoon to hear questions and concerns from Adair County business professionals and local officials. Reynolds spoke to a group of around 30 people at the Business Round Table event.

Reynolds emphasized her four point plan to improve the Iowa business climate as well as strengthen the workforce to accommodate that improvement. Reynolds’ plan includes: creating a competitive business climate, developing the most innovative energy policy in the country, educating Iowa’s children to possess knowledge about the economy, and training Iowans for future jobs. Reynolds highlighted broadband technology as a central component in that plan. “If we want our young people to be in rural Iowa and if we want to grow the economy and keep our communities safe and education viable, they got to be able to connect.”

Reynolds sees a lack of consistent workforce as the number one concern in regards to growing the Iowa business climate. In addition to business development, Reynolds and those gathered also discussed related topics in other sectors, including: healthcare, agriculture, energy, drug trafficking, and tax reform. Hotel Greenfield will have another business event next Tuesday, as it will be the site for Midwest Partnership’s Adair County Economic Development 101 session.