Anyone needing help making heating payments this winter can now apply for the federally-funded Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
New Opportunities Greene County Coordinator Teresa Lansman is scheduling appointments for any income qualified households for the program, which runs from November 1st through April 30th. The program guarantees participants that their heat will not be shut-off for the duration of the program. She points out that there’s been a change to one of the required materials to qualify for the program with showing proof of income.
“This year we have been lucky enough to just go from the past month’s income instead of the last three months or even the last year. So proof of income, social security cards for everyone in the household and then your gas and electric bills. That way we’ve got the correct account numbers and the name on the account to make sure the money gets to the right place.”
She adds that about 500 families took advantage of the program last year.
To schedule an appointment, call the New Opportunities office in Jefferson at 386-2719.