Greene County Community CenterJefferson Parks and Recreation will once again host the annual Zombie Run at Daubendiek Park.

JPRD Director Vicky Lautner says youth in fourth through eighth grade are encouraged to participate in the race on Tuesday, October 24th at 5:30pm. She points out that the race also includes obstacles.

“We’re going to be changing up some of the obstacles this year. We usually have something they’ll have to crawl under or something they’ll have to crawl over. We usually have some water involved, a little bit of balance. So I think there’s probably six obstacle courses that they have to go through.”

Lautner adds students with the Greene County High School Interact Club will be dressed up like “zombies” that runners will have to avoid.

“There are also zombies that will be lingering around and if they get your flag, then you’re ‘dead’. You still finish the race but you’ll finish with a ‘dead time’ or an ‘undead time’ which means they didn’t get your flags.”

Prizes will be awarded to the winners. The cost to participate is $5 before October 22nd or $10 after the 22nd. Call 386-3412 or stop by the Greene County Community Center to sign up.