The Greene County Peace Officer’s Association recently received community donations for their third annual Shop with a Cop program.
Jefferson Police Captain Heath Enns says close to 30 organizations, businesses and individuals donated funds to support the program that allows Greene County children to shop for Christmas presents for their family members with a member from local law enforcement. Other contributors included a special scavenger hunt organized by Jefferson Telecom and an anonymous donor.
With the increase in donations this year, Enns points out that they will also provide each child participating a Christmas dinner for a family of four on Christmas Day. Enns thanks Hy-Vee and Fareway for putting together the meals. There will also be two special guests from the North Pole that will help the children wrap their presents.
Enns talks about how vital community support is to making the program as successful as it has been.
“That program is funded solely on donations throughout the year. And we have been very blessed throughout this year to obtain several donations, large donations nonetheless.”
He describes how much the program has grown since its inception three years ago.
“I am blown away. We haven’t asked for any money, this is all individuals in the community, businesses that just come up to us and provide funding to continue this program. So it’s very overwhelming. And it’s fun for us because we can spend the time with the children to do community policing things such as this.”
Shop with a Cop takes place on December 9th. A full list of the donors for this year’s event can be found below.
Hamilton Ready Mix
Jefferson Eye Care
Mr. and Mrs. Goshon
McAtee Tire
Taylor Daycare
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wright
Marvell Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Moranville
Frankey Anderson
Prestige Automotive
Midland Power
Jefferson Telecom
Bunkers Dunkers
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Skalla
Lee Horbach
Greene County Medical Center
Peoples Bank
McDonald Insurance
Addies Clothing
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Clingan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Raney
Kelly Murphy
Jody Schulte