A road trip to western Iowa awaits the Adel-Desoto-Minburn (ADM) Tigers cross country teams today. The Class 3A State Qualifying Meet is taking the ADM runners to Atlantic’s Golf and Country Club. The race is comprised of runners from 12 regional schools including Raccoon River Conference members Ballard, Bondurant-Farrar, Boone, Carlisle, Perry, and Winterset.

The Iowa Association of Track Coaches recognized ADM’s boy’s team and two individual runners in their latest rankings earlier this week. The IATC rates ADM as Class 3A’s No. 13 boys squad out of 15. The organization also ranked Nate Mueller the No. 12 Class 3A boys runner and Sadie Jurgens the No. 24 Class 3A girls competitor. Jurgens was the only ADM runner to qualify for last year’s state cross country meet, placing 40th overall last year in Fort Dodge.

To qualify for next week’s state cross country meet an individual must place in the top 15 in their respective field. Also, the three lowest scoring teams will be invited to compete in Fort Dodge. The Atlantic State Qualifying meet starts at 4 p.m. with the varsity girls race, and the boys will follow at the Atlantic Golf and Country Club.