IMG_1560The Stuart City Council met in a special session Monday.

Karl Chevrolet presented their expansion plan to the Council.  The dealership hopes to incorporate a used car lot, maintenance/service center, and parts store to the already existing dealership. The additions would create around 50 jobs, with each paying an average of $40,000 per year. The Council approved consent on those additions and looks forward to assisting the dealership in the future.

Depot Committee Member Doris Bench made a counter proposal to the Council regarding the purpose and usage of the Depot. Bench proposed appointing current Stuart Chamber of Commerce Director Brenda Dudley to oversee event and volunteer coordination. The Committee would hire Dudley for a year and the position would include basic public relations duties. After intense discussion, the Council encouraged Stuart Enterprise for Economic Development, Project Restore, and all other interested parties to meet and create a budget and action plan for the Council to vote on at next month’s regular meeting.

Then Stuart Volunteer Fire Department Member Jim Henderson updated the Board on the status of the malfunctioning 2013 fire engine. The truck is still undergoing repairs in the Cummins shop in Des Moines. After $11,000 in repairs, the truck is still experiencing pump outages. Essentially, the electronics used to run the pump and engine are continuously stalling at regular intervals and there doesn’t seem to be a clear solution. The Council plans to pursue legal options. Henderson voiced his concern for those affected by these malfunctions. “There is nothing more sickening feeling then when you got two guys  on a hose line in a hot zone, and the pump shuts off. So we cannot take that chance until we’re one hundred percent sure that that issue is resolved.”

Finally, the Council discussed refinancing the City’s current bond agreements and addressed a current petition for further transparency on Phase II of the Wambold Addition. Some community members assembled voiced their concerns regarding a lack of information on the project and demanded a vote take place in November to delay the proceedings of the project. The Council informed the public that open discussions were included in every step of the process, and Council members have been accessible through all stages of development. After a lengthy and heated discussion, the Council moved to refinance the Series 2013 B Bonds ($2,275,000 at a five percent interest rate) for the purpose of financing Wambold Phase II. The Council also informed the public that the petition is invalid due to action being filed after the instituted deadline.