perry fire

Last week was National Fire Prevention Week, and the Perry Volunteer Fire Department devoted their time to educating children about fire safety.

Each day last week, firefighters including Fire Chief Chris Hinds and Assistant Chief Brian Eiteman held programs at the schools. Hinds said they educated the kids about fire prevention and proper evacuation procedures. They also gave the students a tour of the fire truck they brought along. Additionally, Hinds said they wanted to make sure children learn not to be afraid of a firefighter in full gear.

“We have all of our gear, including an air pack, on there. And that’s one of the things that Brian (Eiteman) stresses to the children: that when they see a fireman with all of his bunker gear on, and an air pack on with a mask on breathing through that, that’s quite a scary sight. So he makes sure that the children understand that that’s a friend behind that mask, and that they’re there to help. And not to hide or make themselves unavailable if they’re in the burning house. Holler out and make themselves known to the fireman that’s there, so they can get them and get them safely out of the house.”

Hinds believes Fire Prevention Week is a great reminder to everyone that fire safety is something they should always be mindful of, especially heading into the winter months. To hear more from Hinds, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at