The Perry Police Department arrested a 15-year-old male student Thursday after the individual allegedly made frequent threats to six juveniles who attend Perry Middle School.
According to a press release from Police Chief Eric Vaughn, the threats were made by text message. The suspect threatened physical harm to each of the students and their families. It was also determined the suspect threatened to commit the acts on school grounds. The police department investigated, with the aid of interviews conducted by the middle school resource officer and school officials. A witness also provided further information before school Thursday morning regarding the suspect’s identity.
Using the information they obtained, officers were able to detain and file charges against the suspect. He was charged with six counts of first degree harassment, an aggravated misdemeanor, and one count of terroristic threats, a class D felony. He is currently in the custody of Juvenile Court authorities. Vaughn reported the quick action and collaboration between his department and the school ensured that the security and safety of students and staff were not compromised.
Raccoon Valley Radio will bring more information on this case as it’s made available.