According to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, around 36 million people across the globe are afflicted with blindness. Each year, the second Thursday of October is designated as World Sight Day and this year’s theme is “Make Vision Count”. Area Lions are making sure they do their part to alleviate those affected by vision disorders.
Recently, the Panora Lions donated $700 to the Iowa Lions Foundation. The Foundation supports numerous sight-related non-profits, including: the Iowa Department for the Blind, Iowa KidSight, Iowa Lions Eye Bank, and Leader Dogs for the Blind. The Iowa Lions are the number one provider of youth eye screening in the state of Iowa, and have conducted over 500,000 children’s vision screenings.
Lions Club International Director, and Menlo native, Ardie Klemish shares the personal gratification she receives from these services. “It’s amazing how many times we have a parent or grandparent come to us at the State Fair and shake our hand or give us a hug when we’re there working and say ‘Thank you for saving the vision of my child (or grandchild). Thank you for giving them glasses. Because by doing that, you made their life to be normal for the rest of their life’. That’s a pretty moving feeling.”
While most screening drives are completed in the fall or spring, the Iowa Lions have several trained screeners that make appointments at any school or youth group at any time. For more information, click on the links below: