The Panorama School Board met in regular session Monday.
The new School Board was introduced. Incoming member Cale Kastner joined incumbents Jon Stetzel and Deb Douglass as well as current members Bryice Wilke and Deboarah Westergaard. Wilke was re-elected Board President and Douglass was re-elected Board Vice-President. The Board then approved to continue having their regular meetings on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 pm.
The main topic of discussion was the review of the 2017 fiscal year financial report. Superintendent Shawn Holloway is most proud of the District’s ability to stop a negative trend, and increase their unspent authorized budget by over $61,000. FFA then made a presentation on the previous fiscal year’s activities. There are currently 57 members and fourteen will attend the national convention in Indianapolis at the end of the month.
The new Board appointed Westergaard to the Iowa Association of School Board’s annual convention and Douglass to the Guthrie County Conference Board.