american legionThe Stuart American Legion is long due for some upgrades. The Legion will be able to make at least one major upgrade as a result of the funds raised from last month’s Poker Run. The Legion raised just over $1,000 at the bike rally and fundraiser and will use the proceeds to purchase a new furnace.

Overall, 45 riders and 20 bikes took part in the ride. Those participating included a few veterans and one child who had his own leather jacket and sidecar. Co-organizer Kim Avey tells Raccoon Valley Radio the day went smoothly. However, the organizers had to change the originally scheduled route due to construction. Avey and the other organizers thank the volunteers and participants for their flexibility and support.

A grant through Adair County has already funded new paint for the building. The organizers plan to run the event again next year, with a tentative date of September 15th, 2018.

Contact: Wally Waddell- (515)-523-2225