Jefferson Rotary Club met Monday in regular session.
The guest speaker was Jefferson Matters: Main Street Program Director Peg Raney. She talked about hosting the Smithsonian Institute’s traveling sports exhibit “Hometown Teams” next summer. She said the exhibit is about 850-square-feet and it will be located at the Greene County Historical Museum from August 11-September 23, 2018.
Jefferson Matters was one of six Iowa Main Street communities chosen to host the exhibit. Wrestling icon Dan Gable is Iowa’s Honorary Chairperson of the exhibit and will be in Jefferson this coming January to kick-off the exhibit. Raney pointed out that they are looking for volunteers for a variety of areas including: program planning, installation and tear down, budget and fundraising, marketing and advertising, education, exhibit hosts and opening events manager positions. Anyone interested can contact her at 386-3585.
The exhibit costs $1,700 to host.