Dr. Paul Knupp
Dr. Paul Knupp

A handful of Perry residents gathered at the Town Craft Building Monday evening to meet one of the seven democratic candidates for the United States Congress.

The Reverend Dr. Paul Knupp Jr. held a meet and greet, and talked about his background and what he plans to do if elected the representative for the third congressional district for Iowa. The seat is currently filled by republican Representative David Young, and several democratic candidates have lined up to unseat him in next year’s election. Knupp, a democratic socialist in the vein of Senator Bernie Sanders, outlined legislation he would introduce in Washington, including Medicare expansion to include all Americans, more protection of unions, and free in-state tuition for undergraduates.

He then answered questions and conversed with attendees about the direction he’d like to steer the country. Listen to the Let’s Talk Dallas County program on Thursday, October 5th to learn more about Knupp and his campaign.