panoraThe Panora City Council will meet in regular session Monday.

The Council will conduct the third and final reading on new regulations for removing snow and ice from sidewalks. The main change considered would allow for 24 hours after notification as opposed to the current 12 hours. Then the Council will look for approval on the 2017 Fiscal Year Street Financial Report. The council will also examine Council and employee handbooks. Finally the Council will review nuisance procedures and discuss possible action on the City’s 2001 Ford F250 pickup truck.

At the previous Council meeting, the Council approved placing two additional flashing lights on top of the east and west stop signs at the intersection of Highways 4 and 44. Panora Police Chief Matt Reising is hopeful this action will increase driver awareness. However, Reising is unsure as to its overall effectiveness. “Ultimately we can put a large banner over there that says stop and people would still go through it. We have laws enforcing everything and they’re still broken.”

The meeting begins at 6:30 pm at Panora City Hall.