PC Homecoming Queen Grace Geisler (left) and King Jake Berns (right)
PC Homecoming Queen Grace Geisler (left) and King Jake Berns (right)

The 2017 homecoming week for Greene County and Paton-Churdan kicked Sunday with the powder puff football game and the announcement of P-C’s homecoming king and queen.

Paton-Churdan’s homecoming king is Jake Berns and queen is Grace Geisler. The pair shared their comments after being crowned.

“Oh it feels pretty good. I was kind of surprised to get it but I’m thankful for it. It feels great. It was a toss up. Yeah, I’m excited to be queen.”

This year’s theme is “Home Sweet Homecoming” and students and staff are encouraged to participate in daily dress up days. For both school districts, tomorrow is “Frat Day”, Wednesday is “Dynamic Duo Day”, Thursday is “Throwback Day” and Friday is each district’s respective “Spirit Day”. Today is Greene County’s “Athlete Day” while Paton-Churdan is doing “Pajama Day”. Community activities include a jersey auction and bonfire at the fairgrounds on Wednesday night starting at 6:30pm. Friday is the homecoming parade at 2pm, followed by Greene County’s king and queen coronation ceremony on the side south of the courthouse.

Greene County Student Council Advisor Deb Marquardt says a new program will help to incentivize students to participate in homecoming related activities with a “Ram Passport”.

2017 GC Homecoming court. Front row (L-R): Emily Finch, Gwen Black, Megan Durbin, Sydney Schiltz, & Haley Hall. Back row (L-R): Ben Bravard, Joe Towers, Wade Adcock, Garrett Swain, & Jordan Patterson. Photo courtesy of Kirsten Carman.
2017 GC Homecoming court. Front row (L-R): Emily Finch, Gwen Black, Megan Durbin, Sydney Schiltz, & Haley Hall. Back row (L-R): Ben Bravard, Joe Towers, Wade Adcock, Garrett Swain, & Jordan Patterson. Photo courtesy of Kirsten Carman.

“So every activity the kids attend, whether it’s the bonfire, a dress up day, they’re going to get a sticker. And then if they acquire six or more (stickers) during the week, we’re going to throw them into a pile and we’re going to draw out may ten different names and give them a spirit prize during the halftime of the football game.”

Greene County’s homecoming court includes queen candidates Gwen Black, Megan Durbin, Emily Finch, Haley Hall and Sydney Schiltz. The king candidates are Wade Adcock, Ben Bravard, Jordan Patterson, Garret Swain and Joe Towers.