home base iowaThe bravest and finest men and women of this country often have a difficult time transitioning back into civilian life after tours of duty. This can include trying to find gainful employment. Midwest Partnership is helping to change that.

Midwest Partnership is collaborating with Home Base Iowa to connect veterans with employers in communities across the state. Jefferson was the first to be designated a Home Base Iowa community and Midwest Partnership will help extend that status into Guthrie and Adair counties. Midwest Partnership Executive Director Sarah Gomez hopes this will put Iowa on the map regarding veteran services. “Iowa is home to veterans. You can move to Iowa. We accept you. We want your skills. We want you to work here. We want you to live here.”

The Partnership hopes to reach out to businesses about hiring veterans. For more information contact Gomez at sgomez@midwestparnership.com or visit the Home Base Iowa website, homebaseiowa.gov.