Greene County RamsThe Greene County School Board will meet tonight.

Under the retiring board agenda, the Board will hear updates from administrators and committees. Additionally, the Board will hear a review of the district’s property and liability insurance from Unger Insurance and they will canvass the votes from last Tuesday’s school board elections.

Under the new board agenda, the oath of office will be taken by the newly elected board members, as well as the election of a board president and vice-president. New business items include committee assignments for board members, selecting the board’s delegate to the Iowa Association of School Boards, as well as discussion and possible action on the Rippey gym, the Fieldhouse lease and the Grand Junction softball field. Additionally, the Board will consider for approval the 2016-17 certified annual report, an allowable growth request for special education deficit, a New Opportunities abstinence education grant program, agreements with Grantwood Consortium and Woodward Academy Day School Consortium, driver’s education agreement with Street Smarts and fundraising requests.

Other business items include setting the board meeting times, dates and places for the 2017-18 school year and the meeting will conclude with positive thoughts from the board.

The meeting will begin at 5:15pm in the conference room of the administrative building in Jefferson.