Election Day has come and gone, and the school boards for Perry and ADM have been set.
For both districts the status quo will remain, as there were only two candidates running to fill two seats on the respective boards, all of whom were incumbents. In Perry, the newest board member, Casey Baldwin, was elected to his first official term. He took his seat on the Board in June, filling the vacancy left after his mother, Marjean Gries, passed away. Also, current Board President Kyle Baxter was reelected to his second term. For ADM, current Board Vice President Kelli Book and board member Rod Collins were elected to serve on the School Board once more.
Preliminary voting numbers showed there were 206 votes cast in the Perry election, with Baxter receiving 101, Baldwin receiving 98, and seven write-ins. For ADM, there were 226 votes cast, with Book and Collins both receiving 109 votes, and 8 write-ins. The election won’t be made official until the vote is canvassed, which will happen this Friday at a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors.