The popular Dallas County Conservation Monarch Tagging event is returning this month, and they’re looking for volunteers to be on-call.
Forest Park Museum Curator Pete Malmberg explains, “What we mean by ‘on-call’ is, we can’t just say, ‘Monarchs, come in today, we need to tag you!’ They’re out doing their own thing, so we have to figure out, ‘Okay there’s a large concentration over here today, we’ll call the volunteers to come out and tag them.’ Which, tagging involves putting a tiny sticker-type thing on them. Which is, as you can imagine, rather delicate. So we have to train people how to do it, and we have to be really careful with them.”
When called, the volunteers will join others at either the Kuehn or Voas nature areas. The event could happen at any time during the weeks of September 11th, 28th, or 25th, so participants should expect a call any time during that period. In the past however, they’ve tried to target early evenings during the week and weekend mornings. To register for the program or for more information, call 515-465-3577.