sTEP waveAs everyone takes advantage of the last, unofficial end of the summer season this weekend, the Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau continues the special Traffic Enforcement Program (sTEP).

Over the Labor Day holiday in 2015, of the 460 fatal traffic crashes nationwide, 442 involved drivers with a blood-alcohol content of .01 or higher. Iowa had seven fatalities in the same time period, though only one crash involved a drunk driver.

The Jefferson Police Department and the Greene County Sheriff’s office are encouraging anyone who might be consuming alcohol during the holiday weekend to plan a head. Make sure you have a designated driver, use public transportation or download the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s SaferRide mobile app in Google Play or Apple stores. Notify law enforcement if you see a drunk driver on the road and if someone is planning to drive after drinking alcohol, take their keys and arrange for a friend to drive them home.

The sTEP Wave has been in effect since August 18th and runs through tomorrow.