Two bridge projects in Greene County are nearing completion.
County Engineer Wade Weiss says the N-65 bridge near Hyde Park has been closed since the beginning of the year, and it is almost completed. The contractor, Godbersen-Smith Construction, completely replaced the bridge for $2,094,251. Weiss adds the feedback about the project has been mostly positive.
“Everybody seems to be fairly positive about getting this bridge in there and it’ll be there for 75-years. So we’ve had a lot of positive feedback about getting that bridge replaced.”
The E-39 bridge project is also going on at the same time. Weiss notes that project was let earlier in the year, but there was a complication with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources regarding an endangered animal species, so the contractor couldn’t start work until July 31st.

“It’s the Topeka Shiner and they (the DNR) classifies that as endangered species and you cannot work in the waterway during certain periods of time until July 31st. So we’re just getting that project underway.”
To hear more from Weiss, listen to today’s Community State Bank in Paton Let’s Talk Greene County program.