There are set to be several contested races for the school board elections in Guthrie County, so the county auditor’s office reminds voters of the new voter identification laws.

Voters who don’t register before September 1st will have to register at their polling location, and they’ll need both photo I.D. and proof of residence. Additionally, the proof of residence must be current within 45 days. Acceptable forms include a current lease, utility bill, bank statement, or paystub. Valid identification includes driver’s license, non-driver I.D. card, U.S. passport, Iowa high school or college I.D., or a veterans or military I.D. If the voter doesn’t have a current proof of residence, their other option is to have an attestor. That’s someone who lives within the precinct who will vouch for the voter. However, the attestor must have valid photo I.D.

School board election day will be Tuesday, September 12th. Absentee ballots can be cast from August 21st through September 11th. As a reminder, absentee ballots for West Central Valley are available at the Dallas County Auditor’s Office, as they are the control county for the District.