The candidates are set for this year’s school board elections in Dallas County, and it will be the first opportunity for voters to experience some of the new voter registration laws in Iowa.
The laws revolve around identification at the polls on election day, though Dallas County Auditor Julia Helm says there aren’t too many big changes affecting this year’s process. “The laws that take effect between now and January 1 are if you are registering at the polls, you’ll need to show I.D., which has been in the past. But your proof of residency must be current within 45 days. Acceptable forms would be current lease, utility bill, (or) water bill. That would be probably the most significant (change).”
There is another option for people if they can’t supply current proof of residence. Helm explains the voter can have an attestor, which is someone who lives in the precinct and vouches for the person registering to vote on election day. However, the attestor must show photo identification. Valid I.D. includes: driver’s license, non-driver I.D. card, U.S. passport, U.S. military I.D., I.D. card issued by an employer, Iowa high school or college I.D., or a veterans I.D.
School board election day will be Tuesday, September 12th, and voters have until 5 p.m. on September 1st to register ahead of time. Additionally, absentee ballots can be cast from August 21st through September 11th.