The Greene County Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, Sheriff Jack Williams said he appreciated all the work his deputies have done and continue to do with the sexual abuse and arson cases with the Guthrie County Sheriff’s office. He mentioned the Iowa Attorney General’s office will be assisting the Greene County Attorney’s office with the Greene County charges against James and Noah Exline.
The Board then heard an update from Jefferson City Administrator Mike Palmer. He said work continues on the Community Development Block Grant downtown revitalization project. The contractor, Pinnacle Construction, will be removing the entire front facade of Muir Embroidery this week. Palmer mentioned that alley re-construction work has started around Thomas Jefferson Gardens. He reminded the Board that this Saturday is the hazardous waste drop-off event on the north side of the courthouse.
The Board then held a public hearing on a hog confinement expansion project in Scranton Township. The project scored 480 on the master matrix. The additional building is 101-foot-by-213-foot, and a closure plan was included. It will add 2,499 head of hogs to the operation. Following the public hearing, the Board approved recommending the project to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
The Board also approved the sheriff’s quarterly report of fees of $40,326 for April through June, the County Treasurer’s investment report for June of $4,876,090 and issuing 249 driver’s licenses last month.