The 38th annual Adel Sweet Corn Festival has come and gone, and it was certainly one to remember.
Deb Bengston, Director of the Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce, says they saw record numbers at the festival this year. She estimates there was over 12,000 people in attendance, which she largely attributes to the ideal weather. The people distributing the free sweet corn confirmed the large numbers, as it was gone before they knew it. Bengston says they started serving the corn at around 10:45 a.m., and by 2:15 p.m. they had gone through all six-and-a-half tons of corn.
While she feels the festival was a huge success, Bengston believes there’s room to improve. “We always tweak it a little bit. You know, we moved the kids games this year and I love that location for it. I know we had a lot of people disappointed the car show didn’t go on, so we may try to figure out a way to bring the car show back into it. But it’s just small tweaks. You know, after 38 years it runs pretty smooth.”
Additionally, Bengston was thankful for all the help they had this year. She said they had around 250 volunteers helping out at this year’s event, and felt they couldn’t have done it without them.