The teen summer reading program at the Jefferson Public Library recently completed.
Library Director Jane Millard says 17 teens from 6th through 12th grade completed the program and participants read a total of 460 books this summer. Millard describes one activity the teens did that corresponds to this year’s theme of “Build a Better World.”
“They shared kindness sayings around the library and downtown. If you were downtown those days, you may have found a kindness saying on your windshield or if you check out an item at the library, you may find something that the children or the teens spread kindness this summer with.”
Other activities the teens did include: touring the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower, the Greene County Courthouse and the Gallup House; played games like minute-to-win-it; watched movies; read books and saw who could build the tallest and strongest structures made from different materials. Millard talks about her favorite part of the teen summer reading program.
“We do 6th through 12th grade and that’s a six-year span. They don’t always know each other. But just that they interact so well together. The older ones help the younger ones and the younger ones look up to the older ones. And I think they handle themselves very well.”
At the final party, held earlier this month, Millard says Breanne Ball was the top reader and the grand prize winner of a new Amazon Kindle Fire was Gracie Davis.