It was quite the bumpy ride for ACGC head football coach Mark McDermott and the Charger football program last year. From advancing from 8-man football to 11-man football all while skipping class A football and dove straight into the competitive world of class 1A football.
Now as ACGC football enters their second season of official practices, they now will be wielding something they didn’t have a lot of last year…adequate time and preparation for the challenging season ahead.
Raccoon Valley Radio got the chance to sit down with coach McDermott to discuss all the needed off season work as they continue to prepare for their season opener.
“This summer we’ve had a very productive summer, we’ve had good numbers in the weight room and then we’ve ventured into some seven-on-seven. We went up to Ogden and played three different teams there and Panorama hosted and we then played three different teams there. Then we had camp last week about a four day camp,” explained coach McDermott.
Coach McDermott went further on to discuss the improvements that the Chargers benefited from with the various camps and off season work.
“We got a lot of nice communication and timing and stuff like that down with our quarterbacks and receivers and our defensive backs got some nice work. That was really beneficial for us coming in off the summer,” explained coach McDermott.
Today is the second day where contact above the waist with shoulder pads is allowed which will continue through Friday. Saturday will be the first time where full person-to-person contact will be allowed.