The next seminar in the Perry Lutheran Home’s “Aging Well” series is coming up tomorrow.
The title of this program is “How to Start and Have the Senior Care Conversation.” The seminar will focus on how to best approach the topic of senior care with a parent or loved one, either now or in the future. The featured speaker will be PLH’s Clinical Social Worker, Toni Larson. She will share her insight into how to approach the conversation, as well as when, where, and how to have that conversation so it’s beneficial for all involved.
The seminar will be held tomorrow at noon at the Perry Lutheran Home cottage located directly west of the main campus. Lunch will be provided and there’s no cost, but people are asked to pre-register. Next month’s “Aging Well” seminar will be on September 12th, and will discuss “Enriching the Life of your Elderly Loved One.” For more information or to register, contact Larson at 515-465-5342.