It’s always special to be a trailblazer and etch you name in history.
In the world of Iowa high school baseball, ADM’s very own Kade Overton will be part of history, over 40 years worth in the making. It may have taken 41 years to wait for the likes of Kade Overton and more, but for the first time in Iowa High School baseball All-Star series history, the small teams west squad will now be taking on the small teams east squad in the championship title game.
Within the journey to get to this historic moment, Overton and the Small Schools West squad was looking to keep their 2 undefeated winning streak alive as they took on small schools east yesterday. Unfortunately, a 7 error night for the Small Schools West played a pivotal role in their 16-7 defeat. Regardless of the loss, due to the outcome of game number two where Large Schools West defeated Large Schools East, Kade and the Small Schools West squad made it to the big dance.
Although one streak came to an end, two more stayed alive and they did so with Kade himself. Overton came into yesterday’s contest having had at least one hit and one RBI in each of the prior two All-Star Series match ups. Overton managed to keep both going strong by connecting on one hit in three at bats while driving in one run.
All that has officially set up the battle for historical supremacy as Overton and the band of brother from Small Schools West, will look to take back a win in the title game this afternoon. The consolation game will start the days action at 10:30 this morning while Overton and the Small Schools West team graces the ball diamond at 12:30 pm for the All-Star Series crown against Small Schools East beginning at 12:30 pm at Ankeny High School.