As summer continues and heads into arguably one of the hotter months, sunscreen continues to be an important part to avoid sunburns.
Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf says sunscreen with SPF 30 is the recommended number for adequate skin protection from the sun.
“You can go higher than that, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to have more protection. If you properly use SPF 30 and you reapply it, as it’s recommended, you’re going to have good protection. But the idea is that you have to have constancy in use.”
Wolf says to adequately apply sunscreen, put dots of sunscreen on your skin and then connect the dots until there is a smooth film under your fingertips. Before you head outside, apply the sunscreen 20-30 minutes on cool and dry skin and then reapply every two hours for the best results.
“It’s important to have the cool, dry skin because of the fact that it allows for your skin to dry for the sunscreen to absorb and then it doesn’t transfer to your clothing instead of where it needs to be on your skin.”
Wolf adds that public health has provided free sunscreen jugs for anyone to use at public areas like the swimming pools and Spring Lake Park.