Guthrie County CourthouseThe Guthrie County Board of Supervisors will meet today.

The Board will consider for approval several applications including: homestead tax credit, military exemption, disabled veterans homestead tax credit and business property tax credit. Additionally, the Board will consider for approval employee benefit systems for the Protected Health Information and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) forms, an amendment to the spouse and dependent coverage with the Iowa Governmental Health Care Plan, a settlement with Two Rivers Insurance and a statement of compliance with National Incident Management System.

The Board will also discuss the transfer station appliance salvage agreement and farm leases and a property project list. County Engineer Josh Sebern will then present a road right-of-way vacation request and open bids for work to be done in the cold storage building for secondary roads.

The meeting will be at 9am inside the Guthrie County courthouse.