The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, the Board discussed the recent jail inspection with Sheriff Jack Williams. The inspector made some comments about needing to improve the facility. However, Williams said if they make one update, they have to bring the entire facility up to state code, which would costs thousands of dollars. Williams also told the Board that he shared some plans for a new facility with the inspector. The Board took no action on the topic.
The Supervisors then approved the forgivable mortgage release applications for the down payment assistance program, the county’s substance abuse prevention grant semi-annual report and appointed Annie Smith and Amanda Bills to the board of health. Additionally, the Board approved the road closure on County Road E-39 to replace a bridge near Ralston.
The Board then heard an update from John Torbert with the Iowa Drainage District Association. He said a ruling that was put on hold for the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate all waterways was going to be withdrawn, so that the EPA could only regulate navigable waterways in the country. He spoke about the Iowa legislature looking at water quality issues again in the upcoming legislative session. Finally, Torbert reviewed the lawsuit dismissal with the Des Moines Water Works.
The Board discussed a couple concerns with County Engineer Wade Weiss. One issue was installing “Children at Play” signs on the south side of 150th Street on County Road P-14. Sheriff Williams was contacted by some residents about the need for signage by their homes, due to the speed limit at 55-miles-per-hour and there being two hills on the roadway. The Board wanted to see what the Churdan City Council was going to do about the other request for a sign within their city limits. Finally, Weiss said he was going to check on the north, unofficial gravel detour route near Grand Junction about proper signage by the sharp curve. Williams noted that there were about four vehicles per week in the ditch, due to not being able to navigate the curve.