Over the last couple years, the City of Panora has been working on several home rehabilitation projects using funds from a Community Development Block Grant. The project is now in it’s final stages, and has come in well under budget.v
At the most recent Panora City Council meeting, Region XII Housing Programs Coordinator Karla Janning gave a report on the project. The City had originally received $375,000 to rehab ten homes in the City. Janning was happy to report they had enough money to work on an 11th home, and they still have money left over. She said there is $19,450 left over, which will either be used to replace older mechanical systems in a few of the homes, or will be returned to the state for future use.
Panora City Administrator Lisa Grossman said the leftover funds are in large part due to help from the community. The City had $35,000 in local matching funds, which gave them a lot more flexibility on the project.