The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
During open forum, a few concerned citizens asked about the progress on the animal shelter. Council member Dave Sloan is on the steering committee and said they are looking at different building options, but that the City will be the primary responsible party for operating a new facility. Mayor Craig Berry said within the next two months, a finalized plan will be created.
The Council then approved the first pay estimate to Pinnacle Construction of $21,945 for work done on the $1 million Community Development Block Grant downtown revitalization project and the final pay estimate of $13,132 went to Kingston Construction for completed work on several paving projects.
The Council also hired a new police officer. Paul Keeland will start as a new officer on Monday, July 17th. He lives in Fort Dodge where he works as a correctional officer and his wife is an officer with the Fort Dodge Police Department. Keeland will make over $40,000 per year in salary and benefits.