The Perry School Board convened in regular session last night, with a new face at the head table.
Clark Wicks was overseeing his first meeting as the district’s new superintendent, though he had previously attended the meetings as the former Perry Elementary principal. He didn’t have a full Board for his first meeting, however, as directors Casey Baldwin and Kenia Alarcon were absent.
The meeting kicked off with a facilities report from Buildings and Grounds Director Kevin McLaughlin. He reported the elementary heat pump project is nearly complete, and the new sign for the high school and middle school should arrive today and be installed soon.
The Board then made the following appointments for the coming school year: Kent Bultman was reappointed as Board Secretary and Treasurer; Drew Bracken form the Ahlers and Cooney Law Firm in Des Moines as legal counsel; Raccoon Valley Bank as the district’s bank depository with a limit of $15 million; and Anne Horgen and Clark Wicks as level one student abuse by school employee investigators and Police Chief Eric Vaughn as level two.
After that, the Board approved the hires, transfers, and resignations, and it was reported all positions in the district will be filled at the start of the school year. Finally, a sharing agreement with the Woodward-Granger School District for a certified librarian was approved. The librarian will spend 12 days with Perry, fulfilling the minimum requirement from the state.
To hear more about the July Perry School Board meeting, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.