School board elections are coming up in September and potential candidates can now pick up nomination papers.

According to the Greene County Auditor’s office, there are three seats available for each the Greene County and Paton-Churdan School boards, plus an additional seat to fill a vacancy for Paton-Churdan. Candidates can pick up nomination papers from the auditor’s office from now until Thursday, August 3rd at 5pm. Papers must be submitted to the school board secretary no later than August 3rd at 5pm. Papers can be picked up at the school board secretary’s office, the auditor’s office or from the secretary of state’s website. A link to the website can be found below.

Interested individuals must get at least 50 signatures from eligible voters in the Greene County School District and at least ten signatures in the Paton-Churdan School District to get their name on the ballot.

The school board member seats for Greene County include Mike Dennhardt, Teresa Hagen and Dr. David Ohrt. The seats for the Paton-Churdan School Board include Mitch Stream, Deonne Robey and Dennis Tilley, plus Steve Burrell’s original seat to fill a vacancy until the end of the term in 2019.