law enforcement centerLocal law enforcement has been utilizing a program to help get inmates needed medical appointments via internet.

Regional Coordinator for Disability Services Ellen Ritter says the Integrated TeleHealth System allows inmates to visit with medical providers without having to leave the Greene County jail. She adds that by using the secure video conference system, it creates better efficiencies for all parties involved.

“If we have an inmate in the jail, safety issues and convenience issues, for them to be taken out to see a psychiatrist to get medications, it’s a huge inconvenience and safety risk. My goal was to get the Integrated TeleHealth services up and running.”

Jail Administrator Karen White says she’s seen benefits from using the system.

“So far it’s been going very good. It really saves a lot of our deputy and transport officer’s time too, we don’t get someone tied up with a long doctor visit. And the doctor’s have been very helpful with the problems that the inmates have.”

Ritter says Integrated TeleHealth System is in each of the four counties in the mental health region of Greene, Guthrie, Audubon and Dallas. It is even being used at Greene County Medical Center, which is also saving time and resources as well.