Perry High School

The Perry School Board will convene Monday evening in their monthly regular session.

A good deal of the meeting will be devoted to Perry’s Academic, Cultural, and Enrichment Services (PACES). PACES Director Mary Hillman will review the previous year’s programming, share the summer activities schedule, and go over the proposed payment prices for the coming year. The Board will later discuss and possibly approve the PACES payment prices, as well as the staff hourly rates for this summer.

Other topics on the agenda include: a report on key dates for the coming school board elections; consideration for a contract extension with Hiland Dairy; a report on the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), and discussion about the grant coordinator position; and consideration of a fund transfer from the general fund to the student activity fund for protective and safety equipment.

The meeting is open to the public and will be held Monday at 6 p.m. in the Brady Library at Perry High School. This will be the final meeting with Lynn Ubben serving as superintendent. Listen Tuesday for a full meeting recap and the Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County interview with Ubben.