Dallas Co Supervisors

At the most recent Dallas County Board of Supervisors meeting, they reviewed bids for survey and geotech work on the new law enforcement center.

They received three bids for the survey work and five for the geotech work. In both cases, they received low bids that were considerably lower than what they had initially anticipated. For the survey work, the low bid of $2,500 was from Civil Design Advantage. The next-lowest bid was $5,600. For the geotech work, the low bid of $3,745 was from Team Services, which was also considerably lower than the next-lowest bid of $5,500.

Design Alliance, the firm handling all the architecture work for the project, assured the Board both CDA and Team are highly reputable groups they’ve worked with several times in the past. They didn’t have any explanation as to why their bids were so much lower than everyone else’s, other than it was possible both groups actively desired to be part of the project.

The Supervisors accepted both bids, and contracts will be sent to both groups. The survey and geotech work should then be done shortly thereafter, officially kicking off the construction of the law enforcement center.