relay4lifeThe American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Guthrie County that will take place on Friday, June 16, at the AC/GC High School track in Guthrie Center.

The entire community is invited to join local volunteers and participants as they celebrate cancer survivors, remember those lost to the disease, and take action to save more lives from cancer.

Team Bank Night will be held on Monday, June 12, at the Guthrie County State Bank in Guthrie Center from 5-7 p.m. Teams can turn in fundraising money, bring their silent auction items, pick up their shirts and purchase luminaria.

Luminaria can be purchased in  “In Honor of” or “In Memory Of” a cancer survivor for $10 according to Relay for Life Director Kim Durst.

“The luminaria shines brightly in remembrance of a loved one or represents their continuing struggle against cancer.”

Visit for more information. Fundraising through your Relay For Life event supports the Society’s mission to prevent cancer, save lives and diminish suffering from cancer.