Photo courtesy of Greene Co Schools
Photo courtesy of Greene Co Schools

A hearing for the consideration of terminating a school administrator will be brought before an administrative law judge.

Greene County Schools Superintendent Tim Christensen confirmed that Intermediate Principal Maranda Van Cleave has filed for a request for a hearing about the School Board’s decision to consider her possible termination.

At a special meeting last week, the Board approved the possible termination of Van Cleave’s contract under Iowa Code 279.25 for needed staff reduction. The Board then approved an administrator reduction in force policy where the Board can use the overall performance as evaluated by the superintendent, licensure for remaining positions and the superintendent’s recommendation for staffing the remaining positions to best serve the District’s interests. The Board voted in November to close the intermediate building to help save the district $330,000 budget shortfall, due to declining enrollment.

The hearing will take place 10 to 30 days from Tuesday when Van Cleave filed for the request.