Elderbridge LogoElderbridge Agency on Aging is hosting a special event tomorrow in Jefferson.

It is a dinner and informational presentation about the kinds of resources that Elderbridge provides for family caregivers. Spokesperson Robin Wolfram is a former Miss Iowa winner who gave up her career as a television news anchor in Rochester, Minnesota to take care of her parents in her hometown of Ventura. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio her situation and how Elderbridge provided the help she needed.

“There were days that I felt like I was drowning. And it was a call to Elderbridge and I got every single answer that I had spent probably two to three months researching. And it all came together just like pieces of a puzzle just falling into place.”

She adds that Elderbridge also provides a personal touch.

“They have expert family caregivers who are knowledgeable about the services and the programs. They will sit down and they talk with you individually, they’ll even come to your home and find out specifically what your unique situation is all about.”

Interested caregivers can reserve a free meal for tomorrow at 6pm at the Greene Room events center at Wild Rose. Space is limited to the first 50 registrations. To sign up call 1-800-243-0678.