Reps with Bolton & Menk talking about a vision plan from March meeting
Reps with Bolton & Menk talking about a vision plan from March meeting

A public open house will be held Wednesday about an east entrance project for the City of Jefferson.

The City Council has made it a priority to improve the overall look of the east corridor on Lincoln Way. The City selected Bolton & Menk to do the project. The engineering firm held stakeholder meetings in March and included business owners, residents, Lincoln Highway Association, Greene County Supervisors, City Council members and others to discuss initial designs of what the entryway may look like. The proposal is from the city cemetery to Cedar Street.

Bolton & Menk took feedback from the initial meetings and will present a second phase of the project for a public open house on Wednesday from 4 to 7pm at the Milwaukee Depot. It will be a come-and-go event where residents can get one-on-one discussions with the engineers that are in charge of the project and give them more feedback. The next step after the open house is to present a final design version to the Council at their second May meeting.

The total cost for the first phase of the project is $24,000.