Greene County shot a season low 219 at The Hill west of Grand Junction Tuesday, but still finished third in a girls’ golf triangular. Gilbert shot 169 and Roland-Story (Story City) 217 in the nine hole event. Heath Telleen is the girls’ coach for the Rams and he said he was pleased. “We shot a season low. I’m proud of the way the girls have worked to get better.” It was damp and overcast, but 65 degrees at the start with rising temperatures and very little wind, so the coach said playing conditions were good.

Ram junior Rachael Danielson led the Rams with a round of 42, and was third overall to Gilbert’s outstanding duo of Britta Snyder and Katie Jenkins. Snyder shot an amazing 33 with Jenkins at 38.

Other Rams that had rounds counting in the team score were Serenity Owens 57, Ellie Madson 59, and 61 from both Kaitlyn McColley and Lindsey Paulsen.