Jefferson City Council 3_28The Jefferson City Council recently discussed eliminating concrete materials at the yard waste site at Daubendiek Park.

City Administrator Mike Palmer explains how the topic was brought to the City Council.

“What’s happened over time is it’s starting to get abused, we get large sections of driveways, full poured stairways. It takes our crews a lot of time as our public works director said, ‘We could be down there for weeks sometimes breaking up concrete and hauling it out. So what the committee recommended was just to discontinue taking concrete at all.”

Palmer adds that the issue gets even tougher when the site is for residents only, but some commercial providers also use it.

“Concrete people will come in and they’ll do maybe a driveway for a resident and then they’ll say, ‘Well, do you have a spot to get rid of the concrete?’ and the resident will say, ‘Well we do have a public site for our residents.’ Which indicates, ‘Yeah it’s my material from my driveway, I should be able to dump it down there.’ Which to me makes perfect sense, but unfortunately it’s created a problem down at the site.”

Following a discussion, the Council decided to send the issue back to the committee to look at other alternatives.