The State Auditor’s office recently released the City of Jefferson’s 2016 fiscal year audit report.
City governmental receipts totaled $4,196,977 for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2016. Of those receipts, property taxes were $1,932,225, other city tax was $116,227, local option sales and services taxes was $491,983, tax increment financing (TIF) collections were $118,310, intergovernmental was $720,839, use of money and property was $38,864, licenses and permits was $38,555, charges for service was $373,215 and miscellaneous was $366,759.
Disbursement of governmental funds totaled $4,513,306. The breakdown included public safety with $684,080, public works with $484,532, health and social services accounted for $11,787, culture and recreation with $1,179639, community and economic development for $718,392, general government with $542,338, debt service totaled $532,254 and capital projects was at $360,284.
Receipts for proprietary funds totaled $2,693,237 and disbursements accounted for $2,029,496.